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Introducing Two New Vault City Beers in Tesco

Vault City Tesco Tank

Blueberry Maple and Triple Fruited Mango

Last April we announced that there would be two Vault City beers launching in Tesco stores nationwide, and this week, two brand new beers hit the shelves…

Say hello to Blueberry Maple and Triple Fruited Mango.

Like our last Tesco releases, Blueberry Maple and Triple Fruited Mango sit out with our Session, Mid, and High Vaultage sours which we’ll continue to release on a 3-weekly basis. These two new belters will be exclusively available from Tesco and have been created using the same focus on real fruit ingredients, with the tart acidity we’re best known for at Vault City.

Thanks to our house mixed-culture, they’re shelf stable like all our beers, so they don’t need refrigerated in store, but it’s worth chilling them once you get them home so they can be enjoyed at the perfect temperature!

  Tesco Vault City beers being poured into glasses


Goodbye to our Tropical and Raspberry Sours

It’s an exciting time for us at Vault City. When we first launched in Tesco we had no idea what to expect. We spent a long time talking with our community about the decision, and what we pledged to continue supporting the independents who helped us find our feet in the craft beer scene. Beyond that, we just focused on making beer and decided to let the chips fall where they may. The response was amazing. It helped us take huge steps as a brewery, and introduced lots of people to the world of modern sour beer.

Our goal last year was to create something light and refreshing for people who were potentially trying Vault City and sour beer for the first time ever. Our Tropical and Raspberry sours are now making way for two new releases.


4 Vault City Tesco Beers including Tropical Sour, Raspberry Sour, Triple Fruited Mango and Blueberry Maple lined up at our brewery


Making Way for Something New

Like many ideas at Vault City, we decided on the recipes over a few beers. We asked ourselves what first inspired us to get into craft beer, and thought about the best way to showcase what our brewery is all about. Mango holds a place in our hearts, not just because of how juicy and delicious this fruit is when paired with our base beer, but also because one of the first ever Vault City beers was a Mango Session Sour.  

Our choice to use Blueberry was inspired by a heavy hitter we released in September last year. We saw Blueberry Maple as a lighter, more sessionable version of the campfire classic; Double Maple, Triple Chocolate Blueberry S’more.


Triple Fruited Mango

With Triple Fruited Mango, we’ve taken something we love and times it by three. All the rich, juicy Alphonso mango of our original session sour, multiplied by three. Three times the aroma. Three times the flavour. A vegan friendly, tropical adventure that’s fresh, juicy and bold. Paired with our mouth-watering base beer, the result is a lingering tartness with each mouthful that perfectly balances the sweetness of the fruit.


Blueberry Maple

Blueberry Maple is another vegan friendly beer that’s sweet and tannic with a silky-smooth mouthfeel. Add lashings of fresh and vibrant Scottish blueberries cut through decadent layers of maple for a sour that’s stacked with flavour. The sweetness from rich, locally sourced blueberries is perfectly balanced with the tartness of our base beer and rounded off with a sweet maple finish to create something that’s delightfully moreish.

Both available now at Tesco stores and their website.


4 Vault City Tesco Beers including Triple Fruited Mango and Blueberry Maple lined up at our brewery

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