Here at Vault City Brewing, we’re dedicated to making bold, fun and delicious Modern Sour Beer by relentlessly pursuing innovative flavours and techniques in our brewing.
Until this point, the beers we’ve been excited to brew have been mixed fermentation fruit monsters with a boldly high ABV. To match the premium quality of these sour beers we felt that a 375ml champagne style bottle best fit the expectations of the beer inside.
This unique combination of intense fruiting rates, acidity and ABV make them some of our favourite beers, if we do say so ourselves. We brew the beers that we personally want to drink.
As our tastes have evolved, we’ve found ourselves yearning after a more approachable and friendly iteration of our Modern Sour Beer style.
Enter our Session Sour series.
With the same focus on delicious fruit flavours to complement our incredible house culture’s mixed fermentation profile but without the heavy ABV and in a more sessionable 330ml format.
We really want to have fun with these beers and inspiration struck as we asked ourselves how we like to stay refreshed in the Summer months. Cloudy Lemonade and Rybena start this series off with more ideas to come inspired by soft, hard and mixed refreshments!
One of the beautiful things about beer is personal taste. There are so many amazing styles, classic and modern, to the letter and twisted beyond recognition (how do you like your coconut stouts these days?!) to enjoy and each sip is a personal experience. A good beer is a good beer because you like it, not because someone tells you it is.
Sit back and settle in for a sour session.
Team Vault City x